3 GIRLS - 7-10 years old, all ethnicities
3 BOYS - 7-10 years old, all ethnicities
*Children may audition individually OR together if bubbled with another family member, sibling or friend. Please make sure an application is filled out for EACH CHILD
-Upon arrival, everyone will be COVID tested (Rapid Antigen) the morning of. We will have results in 15 mins for each person. Anyone that tests positive will be sent home immediately to commence isolation, and fulfill all other government mandated requirements for a suspected case of COVID-19.
- Also upon arrival, everyone will have their temperature checked, be asked to sanitize their hands, and put their mask on. - Everyone is required to wear a mask at all times. - Anyone in direct contact / less than 6 feet from talent is required to wear a mask AND face shield. - Practice social distancing at all times. Keep 6 feet apart when possible. - Crew will be monitored by a COVID Compliance Officer and / or Medic to make sure all safety measures are in place at all times. - Only essential crew in the studio at all times. - Absolutely NO eating or drinking in the studio. Please step off set to do so.
Location: Toronto
Audition: Self-Tapes w/ virtual callbacks. Date TBD
Non Union
Pay Rate: $1500 per role ($500 session and $1000 buyout)
Usage/Buyout - world wide all media in perpetuity.
$75 wardrobe fitting
Shoot Date(s): One day, May 4th 5th or 6th (must be available all three days until date is determined)
Wardrobe Fitting: Last week in April
Deadline to apply: Friday, April 16th 12pm
Please click below to apply.
***please note if you are experiencing technical issues accessing the application form, please try again in a few minutes.
no phone calls please